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Ohio foreign language association          

Connecting to the World Through Languages                      

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FALL WORKSHOP: Making Sense of Writing – Central States Extension Workshop

  • 20 Oct 2012
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Denison University, Granville, OH


Anyone is welcome to attend. Just JOIN OR RENEW before registering.
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Making Sense of Writing

Who: Lucas Hoffman, Sylvania Schools Where: Denison University When: October 20th 10-3:00 (includes lunch) How much: $50

Why are students expected to write and what are they writing? Are they writing to practice language or writing to
communicate with others to touch the world?
Language teachers are increasingly finding that
they must be prepared to teach students how
to write in the second language classroom. It is important in this time of high stakes
testing that language teachers are familiar with the
work that is being done in other disciplines. Emphasis will be placed on the writing process and teachers will
engage in strategies that allow students to begin
to express their own thinking as they write. Strategies for writing at different proficiency levels will
be shared. Teachers will also examine best practices for
scoring writing and will
discuss ways that teachers
can minimize the paperwork involved

OFLA is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.

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1385 Gateway Lakes Drive N

Grove City, OH 43123

(330) 980-6912

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